Nautilus, File Manager
The who's who of Nautilus. | |
Screenshots of Nautilus in action. | |
Nautilus should come bundled with your distribution. Find more information in this section. | |
This nice piece of documentation describes how to use Nautilus from the end user perspective. | |
Nautilus can be extended with all sorts of awesome functionality. | |
All sorts of development information, from hacking on Nautilus itself, to writing extensions, to debugging issues. | |
The future of Nautilus. | |
All sorts of ideas about improving Nautilus. | |
The mailing list for Nautilus. |
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Midnight Commander, File Manager
Latest released version: 4.7.0 What's new.
Latest released stable version: What's new in stable release.
Our workflow of releases
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Gnome/, Office Suite
This is a placeholder for a better Gnome/OO.o page - coming soonGnome technologies used
While OO.o didn't start it's life as a Gnome project, it is increasingly deeply embedded into Gnome - consider what parts of Gnome and the freedesktop are used in G/OO.o:| at 16:37 | 0 comments
Beagle, content indexer and search tool
Quickly find the stuff you care about.
Beagle is a search tool that ransacks your personal information space to find whatever you're looking for.Using Beagle, you can easily find:
- documents
- emails & attachments
- web history
- IM/IRC conversations
- addressbook contacts
- calendar appointments
- notes
- source code
- images
- music/video files
- archives and their contents
- applications
- ... and much more
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Anjuta, Integrated Development tool
What is Anjuta DevStudio?
Anjuta DevStudio is a versatile software development studio featuring a number of advanced programming facilities including project management, application wizard, interactive debugger, source editor, version control, GUI designer, profiler and many more tools. It focuses on providing simple and usable user interface, yet powerful for efficient development.| at 16:33 | 0 comments
Agnubis, Presentation Program
Agnubis is the GNOME Presentation Program comparable to such programs as Microsoft PowerPoint or Corel Present. It has been developed and designed for the GNOME 2 plattform and is created to integrate well with the rest of the components in the GNOME Office suite.
Agnubis is currently in the CVS server of GNOME Spain. It will be moved to the main GNOME SVN server shortly however. You can view the code here.
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Accerciser, Interactive accessibility explorer
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Abiword, Word Processor
AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft® Word. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks.
AbiWord allows you to collaborate with multiple people on one document at the same time. It is tightly integrated with the web service, which lets you store documents online, allows easy document sharing with your friends, and performs format conversions on the fly.
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GNOME 3 Usability Hackfest 2010
- Canonical
27th floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank
London SW1P 4QP, UK
Goals and Agenda
Travel and Accommodation
- The Premier Inn is not too far away. They have rooms for between £92 and £117 a night (excluding breakfast).
- The Mitre House Hotel London is not too far away. They have rooms for around £80 per night.
- The German YMCA has also been recommended.
- Also consider checking London HostelWorld.
Public transport
Leisure and Entertainment
Name | Organization | Dates | Hotel/Accommodation | First night meal (y/n) |
Sun Microsystems and the GNOME Foundation | Feb 22-26 | |||
Charline Poirier | Canonical | Feb 22-26 | ||
Ivanka Majic | Canonical | Feb 22-26 | ||
William Jon McCann | Red Hat | Feb 20-28 | probably | |
Jeremy Perry | Red Hat | Feb 20-28 | probably | |
Calum Benson | Sun Microsystems | Feb 22-26 | Premier Inn | y |
Thomas Wood | Intel | Feb 22-26 | ||
Nick Richards | Intel | Feb 22-26 | ||
Hylke Bons | Intel | Feb 22-26 | ||
Karl Lattimer | Codethink | Feb 22-26 | ||
Feb 22-26 | y | |||
Jakub Steiner | Feb 22-26 | |||
Sun Microsystems | Feb 22-26 | |||
Red Hat | been there for ~10 years | |||
Red Hat | Feb 22-27 | |||
Novell | Feb 20-28 | |||
ain't got nothin' but a song in my heart | Feb 22-26 | |||
Ubuntu / GNOME Docs | Feb 24-25 | |||
OSS Watch | Feb 24-25 (@Dev8D) | |||
Emli-Mari Nel | University of Cambridge | Feb 25 | ||
Alan Lawrence | University of Cambridge | Feb 25 | ||
Patrick Welche | University of Cambridge | Feb 24-26 | ||
Novell | Feb 24-26 | |||
Canonical | Feb 22~26 | home | y |
- Organize a day when the GNOME Usability Team or community meets at the Dev8D venue to give a talk or session or hang out for or hack. The 27th looks like being a good day to encourage people from the GNOME Usability hackfest to attend the Dev8D conference as it is the day after the GNOME event.
- The GNOME Foundation could provide some compelling speakers, presenters, or discussion topics on GNOME Usability or free software GUI usability in general.
- Dev8D attendees could provide an introduction to HE research specific projects
- OSS Watch will be running a workshop before the events that will provide an opportunity for learning about Wookie, the W3C Widget server that is now in the Apache Incubator. This means there will be people hacking on Wookie and widgets at Dev8D.
- Eye gaze control using cheap web cams is a hot accessibility topic so it would be good to see some joint hacking on GNOME Mouse Trap and University of Cambridge Inference group's opengazer project; and (thanks to @pepperbox for the idea).
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Mozilla Sponsors GNOME Accessibility Efforts
BOSTON, Mass — February 4, 2010 — The GNOME Foundation is happy to announce a substantial donation from the Mozilla Corporation to benefit the GNOME Project's accessibility efforts. The donation will help continue the collaborative efforts between GNOME and Mozilla on Accessibility.
The Mozilla Corporation is granting the GNOME Foundation $10,000 for 2010. The funds will be used in part to send GNOME developers to the 25th Annual International CSUN Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference. The CSUN Conference is one of the premier technology conferences for people with disabilities, and by holding a GNOME accessibility hackfest at the conference, GNOME can ensure a diverse group of GNOME developers are immersed in the accessibility space with direct hands-on interaction with end users.
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Aeneas - the GNU package for the design and simulation of submicron semiconductor devices.
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Feeding Grounds DVDRip XviD-VH-PROD
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